So your friends or family members have invited you to out to a restaurant. Yay, you have a social life! But what the heck will you eat as a vegan? I use these five easy steps to help me at basically any restaurant.

Always Review the Menu Ahead
The menu is your key to a delicious meal. Review the menu online before going to the restaurant. Be on the lookout for veggie-forward meals. Even if you see a type of cheese, know you can ask for it on the side. You’ll want to scan the menu for letters like these: V, VG, and DF. V stands for vegan. VG stands for vegetarian. DF stands for dairy-free. If you see any of these on the menu, you can eat something at this restaurant, and you might need to make a few switches if you see vegan options, bomb! Jackpot! But if you don’t, look for VG or DF. Remove the cheese or meat and see about substitutions such as a mushroom instead of meat. Use avocado or hummus instead of cheese—oil in loo of butter. The salads might be your best bet, simply review the dressings and if there is cheese. The menu will usually review all of this online. And if you’re lucky, there might be nutritional value facts on the website. This will help you narrow down your options.

Call Ahead
After you’ve reviewed the menu online, it might not hurt to call the restaurant ahead of time. Perhaps the online menu was a bit vague or didn’t have the symbols (V, VG, DF), and you still need a little more guidance. Usually, the first that picks up the phone should be able to help you. PRO TIP: Call during off-hours to have an uninterrupted decision about your ethical/dietary needs. I hate to say this next part, but we are all friends here, right. You might have to say a little white lie. Yes, more people are aware of veganism, but by saying you are allergic to dairy, meat, and fish, the wait staff will likely take you a bit more seriously. Most likely, the person on the other end of the phone will know what’s in the food or know who does to help you. They will offer a few recommendations for you over the phone.
Order the sides
Let’s be honest… maybe your town isn’t hip enough to have Beyond Burgers on the menu. Or perhaps you are in the dreaded steakhouse because it’s your dad’s birthday, and he is a steak and potatoes guy (OH… just me?). The sides are now your restaurant’s best friend. I’ve done this before at the aforementioned steakhouse. It actually wasn’t too bad. By this time, you’ll know just what’s in the food, so you’ll know the sides can work. You might have a baked potato and some veggies. Sure it isn’t the ideal situation, but it will get the job done.
Be Friendly to Your Waiter
Being friendly and kind to your waiter goes a long way. No, this isn’t a kill them with kindness moment, but you might be the only vegan the waiter has ever experience. Treat it as if you are helping the waiter serve the next person better. If the food comes back with cheese on it, gently notify your waiter, but don’t make a big deal of it. At the end of the day, we are all human. I like to say, give the waiter a little vegan grace.

Think about the type of cuisine
Perhaps this tip should have been at the top. The type of cuisine can guide how you’ll eat vegan at a restaurant. Here are a few examples of what you can eat at different types of restaurants.
- If you’re at an American restaurant: Try an meatless burger
- If you’re at an Italian restaurant: Try a red pasta dish with a salad
- If you’re at a Thai restaurant: You have lots of options just be mindful of fish and eggs
- If you’re at a Chinese restaurant : Load up on the veggies and the tofu! But the same can be said about the fish and egg here too.
- If you’re at a Mexican restaurant: Think beans and rice, salsa/guacamole. Watch out for all the cheese.
With a little preparation, you’ll be able to eat vegan at basically any restaurant.