Morgane Eats

Thanksgiving Vegan Recipes

The holidays are joyful! With so much to be thankful for this holiday season, it’s important to safely gather together with the ones you love. The food situation can be a little tricky. With the turkey usually as the main course and the sides likely loaded with dairy, what is a vegan girl supposed to eat? I’ve compiled a list of vegan-friendly or plant-forward options to enjoy and share with family.


Via Vanessa Young of Thirsty Radish

Roasted Veggie Plate

This plant-forward recipe from Thirsty Radish was actually the inspiration for this post. Instead of the trendy charcuterie board, try out a roasted veggie plate with the recipe here. This recipe does incorporate cheese, feel free to use my white bean dip for a vegan alternative. 

Jalapeno Poppers

Speaking of that white bean dip, (sans the onions) it can be used for jalapeno poppers too. After cleaning out about 6-10 peppers, I like to scoop my white bean dip into the pepper. You can add panko breadcrumbs on top and place them in the air fryer for 6-8 minutes at 370 F.

Deviled Potatoes 

Perhaps this is just me but I always have small potatoes hanging around the house. This recipe from The Detoxinista uses hummus and the remaining potato as filling to mimic the look of a deviled egg. Except this is cruelty free! Check out this fun play on deviled eggs here.


Apple Salad

Since Thanksgiving is still in the middle of fall, an apple salad always seems appropriate and delicious for the season. For my base, I use a mix of spinach, arugula and spring mix. For fun toppings, try diced gala apples, pecans (or pumpkin seeds) and cranberries. Add a delicious simple vinaigrette and you’ll have a stellar salad. 

Via Michelle Cehn of World of Vegan

Green Bean Casserole

I’ll be very honest, my family does not serve green bean casserole. This isn’t a traditional side dish in my household or family. However, I tried it once at a work potluck and I was hooked! I was so thankful to have an awesome vegan take on the classic recipe from my virtual pals Michelle and Toni. (I chatted with those two last year when they released their cookbook The Friendly Vegan on my podcast here.)

Via Michelle Cehn of World of Vegan

Sweet Potato Skins with Soy Chorizo

While flipping through Food and Wine I saw this amazing recipe. It can easily be veganized with soy chorizo and vegan butter. The recipe creator, Justin Chapple, took a playful twist on the traditional sweet potato side by adding more of a savory and smoky play on the dish. Find his recipe here.


Mushroom Wellington

Puff pastry and mushrooms. What could go wrong? Nothing, my friend! I’ve used this recipe from Feasting At Home because I love the simplicity of the recipe.

Lentil Loaf

Last year, I loaded my Thanksgiving plate with lentil loaf. It is an excellent cruelty-free alternative to a meat recipe. Jenne’s recipe adds a delicious glaze that truly brings the entree together. 

Via Vanessa from Vegan Family Recipes


A mushroom tart could be served as an appetizer for your non vegan friends and an entree for vegans. This dish from Vegan Family recipes incorporates rosemary to add a hearty, savory flavor to this meal. Check out this take on a tart here.


Caramel Cheesecake

I’m not much of a baker so this Caramel Cheesecake recipe from Lisa Bryan is perfect for me. It’s is all dump, blend, and freeze. You really can’t beat that. It was a hit at last Thanksgiving’s dinner.

Salted Chocolate Cream Tart

This no-bake tart is an easy rich and creamy dessert. One of my favorite YouTubers, Nisha Lee, created this recipe loaded with chocolate, dates, coconut cream and coconut oil, that is sure to be an instant crowd pleaser!